$0 of $27,227 raised

This is a project that was developed by PLATFORM for the NEEDY purposely to address health, social, legal, family and other related issues affecting families or communities in the Rwenzori region. It’s a stress relief programme that brings/connects together the people with family problems in both rural and urban communities in a 2hour night radio programme. Medical doctors and psychologists and social workers are invited to a radio programme to respond to their concerns and later referred.

Why family clinic?

A family or a community is the centre where most health, social, legal, environmental and other problems emerge. This program was designed to help the family to discern and solve such issues in a more localized manner.  


To enable families/communities clearly access critical information and generate local solutions to their problems. 

Objectives of Family Clinic.

To create a platform for information sharing among 900,000 local people in 8 districts in Rwenzori (Western) Region in Uganda by 2023.

To increase access to health, legal and social related information among 900,000 in the 8 districts in Rwenzori Region in Uganda by 2023.  

Key Approaches used.

Community conferencing. Where members are mobilized in a community, they meet and discuss Key issues (HIV, Family Planning, Domestic Violence, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, women and/or Children’s Rights etc) concerning the community or families around. They also develop solutions and they jointly follow up on Key issues discussed. Medical doctors and psychologists and social workers are invited to a radio programme to respond to their concerns and later referred.

Radio Talkshows /programs. The issues concerning the people/communities are handled during radio programmes. Some times the people write letters asking the experts to respond and later refer them to hospitals or courts.

Key Issues Addressed by Family Clinic?

  1. Health issues such as HIV, Family Planning, 
  2. Domestic Violence.
  3. Sexual and Gender-Based Violence.
  4. Women and children’s rights.
  5. Health and Sanitation and environmental issues.

Expected results of the Family Clinic Project

  1. Health Sure (health Insurance) for the local people to be developed through formed groups of listeners. Here members will contribute towards their health insurances services in addition to the external support
  2. Reduction in women and Children human rights violation will be registered.
  3. Reduced incidences to orphans and Children property grabbing.

The budget needed to sustain the project.

The annual total cost for the project is UGX 100,740,000/= (USD 27,227)

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Donation Total: $100.00