[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Meet Our Interns” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:center”][vc_column_text]We have many interns working for us behind the scenes. They are featured here below.


Regional Ambassador Middle East Fund

Hello everyone! I am Taha Ali, a year 12 student pursuing engineering at The Winchester School, Dubai. Since I was a child, my parents always taught me to serve this humanity to make it a better place for everyone to live in. Back home in India, I have seen many children wanting to be successful and respected, but the lack of resources crushes their dreams and aspirations. Since then I have decided to make it my life mission to give every child the resources and opportunities they deserve. I believe PLANE Uganda’s aims and goals match my purpose in life!
I vow to be a successful member of this organization hoping to help as many students as possible. 











Hello, my name is Vivian and I am one of the interns for Platform for the Needy. I am from the United States. I am a passionate student who wants to become a doctor to help those in need. I am a social media and website design intern

Robertha Mendoza-Healthcare &Environment Management

I’m Robertha Mendoza; my passion is sustainability and caring for people and the environment. I have worked in the healthcare sector, where I had the opportunity to work in a community clinic in the Work Social area. We mainly attended women and children; that experience was unique because I learnt to understand and help vulnerable people. I’m from Mexico. I studied Environmental Engineering, and I have a Master’s in Audits and Environmental Management.

I joined PLANE because it is a well-recognised organisation in Uganda that works with vulnerable people in areas where I can cooperate and learn, such as Health Promotion and Environmental Education. They work mainly on educating communities on a) sustainability practices related to trees and waste management and b) general health awareness. Furthermore, PLANE works about Violence Prevention, advocating against violence toward children and women, and for me, this an essential issue to change our society.

As an intern at PLANE, I will collaborate to provide my experience and support in topics like analysing tendencies, evaluating results, and researching information to consolidate its current programmes. However, I hope to find more areas to work with the PLANE team. For those who want to join this organisation, my advice is that you must be responsible and professional, regardless of your level of expertise.


Eyram Tetteh-Website Developer

Hey, my name is Eyram Tetteh, and I am a Manufacturing Engineer currently working in aerospace in England. I have honed my skills in Kaizen, Quality Engineering, Technical Documentation, and Operations Management. My primary focus is enhancing manufacturing operations through continuous improvement and quality systems. I hold a master’s degree in Engineering Design and an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Previously, I worked as an Industrial Process Engineer, where I led New Product Introduction projects and ensured that all processes met world-class standards. My responsibilities included improving existing processes, implementing new ones in line with manufacturing strategies, and driving continuous improvement activities. I also supported the Head of Industrial Engineering in achieving team targets, contributing significantly to the company’s manufacturing efficiency and quality.

In addition to my engineering background, I recently completed edX’s Skills Boot Camp in Front-End Web Development, where I learned JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, among other skills. I am excited to apply this new knowledge with PLATFORM for the NEEDY, where I focus on improving their website and boosting their online presence. I look forward to leveraging my combined expertise in manufacturing and web development to make a meaningful impact at PLANE.

Please join me in serving needy communities in Uganda and transform the lives of the people.


Hello! My name is Farooq, I am a Canadian student that specializes in global law and social justice at Carleton University. I am truly passionate about human rights and social justice issues. Specifically, I am interested in finding solutions to remove the barriers of access to education for children.

PLANE has granted me the privilege of doing an internship where I can apply my skills and experience acquired through my academic career within an organization that works to improve the lives of others.

Through my internship, I hope to make a difference in the lives of others living in

rural Uganda through learning from the team at PLANE. I am looking forward to

conducting research and assisting with fundraising to alleviate some of the barriers.

of access to education, basic necessities, and social services for those in rural Uganda.

Kai Hagiwara

Kai Hagiwara

My name is Kai Hagiwara and I currently live in the united kingdom and just finished my A levels. I joined PLANE to help increase awareness of issues surrounding women’s rights and education in Uganda. With my interests in business I plan to help use social media platforms to help support the less fortunate. I feel this platform can really have a huge impact on and make positive changes for people in Uganda.

Stephanie Edelgaard

Stephanie Edelgaard
















My name is Stephanie Edelgaard from United States.

I joined PLANE as an intern candidate for 5 weeks.  It was a great experience with PLANE. I got experience and learnt a lot about Uganda which I never knew before. I learned that this organization is planting many types of trees that have multiple uses and even using apiary to help people conserve the environment which is one of the most important area one can help in.

It was an amazing experience for me. I gained communication skills; fundraising skills and how to handle people in the right way to look into the organization.

I also gained more editing skills. Mostly on this internship I helped edit the organization magazines and articles, I helped with any tasks that they needed extra hands on. I also joined many meetings to help educate myself and help grow my skill set. The biggest achievement for me was learning new skills I’ve never tried before like setting up fundraising strategies and ideas. My vision for PLANE is to continue what they’re doing, trying new ideas and branching out to places all over the world that are in similar situations.

Diandra Rodrigues

Diandra Rodrigues


My name is Diandra Rodrigues. I am originally from South Africa and have an honours degree in psychology. I am currently lucky enough to be doing an internship with PLANE and have been given the position of Gender Based Violence Advocacy Officer. Throughout my life, I have always felt a calling towards making a difference in the lives of those in need and doing whatever I can to make this world a better place for all.

My aim for the next few weeks of my internship is to create awareness, not only about issues related to Gender Based Violence, but also awareness of the resources and tools that vulnerable women can use to escape these awful circumstances in a safe manner and get the help they need. I believe all women should be free of violence and abuse, and should be able to live a peaceful and safe life, free to make their own decisions and live as they wish. In turn, my hope is that this will contribute to children’s safety by allowing mothers to remove their children from abusive households and giving them the care they need.

Overall, I am grateful for this opportunity I have and I look forward to seeing the change that all of us at PLANE can create by working together for the greater good!

Clara Kim Ngan

Clara Kim Ngan  











Hi, my name is Clara Kim Ngan and I am currently studying in high school at RISS, Vietnam. I joined PLANE as a digital marketing intern, which is a field that I am very passionate about. As part of a NGO, I want to be someone who can change the community. Somehow I can help children and women in crisis. That’s why I decided to become an intern here, be exposed to an ethical environment, develop my skills, communicate with the international community which helps me to broaden my perspective and have the opportunity to help underprivileged children and women.

Hollie Corbett

Hollie Corbett 

Hi! My name is Hollie Corbett aged 16 years old and I live in Auckland, a beautiful city of New Zealand.

I’ve had the privilege of joining PLATFORM for the NEEDY (PLANE) as a Marketing & Fundraising Coordinator intern to impact on the community with my sills and also learn a lot from the organization. Growing up, I was always a helper. I am passionate about serving and making a difference in the lives of the most underprivileged people and communities to lessen the burden and help them reach a happier place.

When I came across PLANE, I was so impressed with the variety of issues that are trying to address, and in such depth too! I hope to contribute to digital marketing and design, fundraising from my country, editing and just helping out wherever I can! I would love to spend this time as an intern to help raise awareness for issues such as education for needy children and women’s rights as I feel strongly connected to them.  In the near future, I would love to see the organization continuing to grow in terms of reach and resources, such as distributing more tangible goods that leave communities in a better place.

Kishan Sivakumar

Kishan Sivakumar

Hello! I am Kishan Sivakumar, a Junior at Lebanon Trail High School. I am the Research & Outreach Coordinator USA intern. I have aspirations in the medical field through research and public health. I have experience using Machine Learning algorithms to create an app for medical diagnosis under the University of Texas at Dallas. I am also conducting an Ambassador project under Yale Center for Clinical Investigation at Yale University. I am motivated to help others and make the world a more safe and hygienic place!

Jhanavi Srivastava

Jhanavi Srivastava

My name is Jhanavi Srivastava, a Science Teacher & Health Care Coordinator from Canada, and I am 15 years old. I am in grade 11 and a student at Woodlawn High School. I am currently enrolled in the International Baccalaureate Program. I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. My position at PLANE is as Biology and Math Teacher as well as a Health Care Coordinator. Over this year, I have dedicated my spare time in educating unprivileged youth of Canada and now Uganda in hope to create bright future. I found the volunteering opportunities at PLANE through the CRIMSON EDUCATION program I am a part of. My career path will be in medicine, which explains my love for biology. I joined PLANE after researching about them and their work and it felt like a great opportunity to give back to the world. I would like to transform this organization by not only spreading my current knowledge to students but also making them see the value of education and how they can use it as a powerful weapon to transform their future into something they might not even have considered before. I intend to be the spark of light and hope that the youth of Uganda need.

Vittorio Nazzi

Vittorio Nazzi

Hi, my name is Vittorio Nazzi, but I prefer to be called Vitt. I am an English Teacher & Environmentalist from Barcelona at PLANE. I’m a gap year student who graduated from ES International School in Barcelona, in 2022, and I’m from Italy. Throughout my high school life, I was involved in nonprofit organizations in Israel, and mental health clinics in Barcelona. As an international student and third culture kid, I’ve been heavily focusing on making a change to the communities that welcome me with open arms, but this year I’ve decided to stretch my reach. I saw the opportunity to help PLANE via my brother, and I was deeply moved by the situation many children face. I thought that I should help, and so I applied to become an English teacher for the children in need in Uganda. I would like to offer my knowledge through an opportunity of growth and culture, and I’m happy to be helping and contributing to make meaningful change.

Gregorio Nazzi

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