Summary: This program advocates for the reduction of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, especially forced marriage of young girls and women in rural communities of the Kabarole and Ntoroko districts in the Rwenzori region. Furthermore, it provides services on sexual reproductive health and strengthens the communication and advocacy skills of over 300 affected young girls and women. Through this program, young girls and women will gain spiritual, social, political and economic skills to help resist Sexual Gender-Based Violence. The program also engages in policy advocacy to hold policymakers accountable.


Main Issues Surrounding SGBV: More than 400 vulnerable girls (10-18 years of age) in Ntoroko and Kabarole districts have been victims of sexual abuse, while other young girls have been forced into early marriages. An assessment report in 2017 on SGBV in Ntoroko District indicates that 102 girls were wed against their will, 98 cases of rape, and 20 cases of other sexual and gender-based violence. Cases of SGBV have been reported in homes, farms, workplaces and schools. Forced marriages of girls are reportedly high, while information about reproductive health services is lacking. Poverty is prevalent in the Ntoroko and Kabarole districts, and there is no viable and sustainable economic productivity to engage these teen mothers. Advocacy for sexual violence, thus, became highly important to combat this critical instances.




Intervention: This program will raise awareness amongst youth and women groups, communities, schools, leaders, and policymakers on the consequences of SGBV, the lack of reproductive health services and simultaneously advocacy for girl or women against sexual abuse. It will hold policymakers accountable to ensure the reduction of SGBV and the provision of sexual reproductive health services at all health facilities and rural communities. The program will train 350 young girls in agribusiness, basic fundamental rights, advocacy strategies and support the girls to participate in advocacy and resist SGBV. #AVoiceforthevoiceless.

Long-Term Impact:

  1. The project will build sustainable livelihood and advocacy skills against sexual violence for 350 young girls, empowering them to gain social, political and economic relevance and resist SGBV.
  2. It will actively involve policymakers for girls to access comprehensive reproductive health services.
  3. Seeks to engage law enforcers (local political leaders, police, and judges) to protect girls.

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