Our Programmes

Health and Sanitation:

-Promote health education and awareness creation among rural communities.
-HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns through radio, drama and outreach community dialogues.
-Promotion of Reproductive Health activities in schools and rural communities through information dissemination about family planning, maternal health, early pregnancies, stigma and discrimination using peer education, radio drama skits and outreaches.
-Promotion of water and sanitation hygiene activities in rural communities.


– Advocating children’s education especially the girl child.
– Orphan sponsorship program for the vulnerable child for increased access to education.
– Child monitoring and counseling in schools.
– Advocate, lobby and support for infrastructural Development like construction of classrooms, pit latrines, orphanage among other structures.
– Support legal services for the vulnerable children especially the girl child.

Human Rights Advocacy:

– Gender Based Violence (GBV) awareness creation to prevent and reduce on violence against women and girls, leadership empowerment.
– Advocate for the prevention and protection of children’s rights like defilement, earlymarriages, rape and school drop out among others.
– Land rights advocacy campaigns for vulnerable groups like women, elderly and children whose lands are grabbed.
– Radio drama skits and outreaches on the rights of people and support for legal redress.


– Women and Youth economic empowerment programs through training and skill development on income generating projects.
– Supporting women and youth groups with farm equipment to enhance their household income.

Research and Documentation:

– Conducting research about the rights of vulnerable children.
– Documentation and dissemination of research findings through leaders’ conferences, meetings, forums and radio programs.

Conflict &Peace Building:

Under this program, PLANE engages citizens, local governmentsand Development partners in violence prevention, conflict transformation and sustainable peace building in the Rwenzori region and beyond through community dialogues.

Rwenzori region has been hit by a sage of conflicts that have left hundreds dead, thousands displaced and others imprisoned. These conflicts have led to many orphans and othersdisplaced without support and access to services. Many have been

Democracy and Governance:

PLANE believes in the rule of Law, Democracy and good governance for the grass root people to benefit from the national cake and realize development.

PLANE’sDemocracy and Governance program aims at empowering grass root structures to hold duty bearers accountable through budget reviews, social audits/public expenditure tracking, dialogue meetings, ensuring transparency among local leaders in spending government resources and civic engagement on issues concerning corruption.

The program strengthens civic competence of citizens (mobilization, sensitization, civic action and leaders responding to issues raised).

The program works with community based monitors, drama groups, parish based associations and the local leaders which are in the target sub counties.

These spearhead the process of collecting information, analyzing it, preparing reports which are shared with leaders and mobilize communities to demand action from their leaders through dialogue meetings, petitioning, and radio talk shows among others.

PLANE has carried out a series of radio drama and community dialogues on accountability and service delivery, human rights and health care.

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