274 People Test For HIV At Kacwamba Market

Over 270 from South division, Fort Portal municipality have tested for HIV AIDS at Kacwamba trading center market.

The people also received family planning services and counselling on the general services.

This was during a medical camp held at Kacwamba Centre market along Fort Portal-Kasese road on Sunday 28th June,2015.

The medical camp was organized by Youth Empowerment Services (YES) with funding from Infectious Disease Institute (IDI) and partnered with Fort portal referral hospital and Platform for the NEEDY (PLANE).

The people and traders at Kacwmba market were very excited to receive the family planning services, free HIV testing and counselling services and educative entertainment from Bahemuka Drama.

PLANE in its Bahemuka Drama, Educated the people on elimination of mother to child Transmission of HIV AIDS, and depicted the problems faced by a couple in domestic violence and effects of drunkardness.

Steven Ainganiza the Director PLATFORM for the NEEDY (PLANE) asked the people to avoid acts of drunkardness and domestic violence that lead to acquiring the deadly HIV He also encouraged husbands to accompany their wives during the antenatal care services and continue taking ARVs if they are to live longer.

He told the people to be faithful in their marriage and the youth to abstain or use condoms because the HIV prevalence rate in Kabarole is still high standing at 11.5%.

Araali Bright an officer with YES said that they are extending HIV testing services to the people especially in hard to reach targeting the youth and married couples so that they can know their status and live a health life.

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