343 Residents Tested for HIV AIDS

343 residents in Rwiimi town council, Kabarole district tested for HIV AIDS, received family planning services and counselling on the general services.

This was during a medical camp held at Rwiimi Health Centre 111 on Friday 19th June 2015 that was organized by Youth Empowerment Services YES with funding from Infectious Disease Institute (IDI) and partnered with Fort portal referral hospital and Platform for the NEEDY (PLANE).

The locals and Rwimi market vendors were very much excited to receive the services and educative entertainment from Bahemuka Drama and asked the drama group to come again and educate them.

PLANE in Bahemuka Drama, Educated the people on elimination of mother to child Transmission of HIV AIDS, and depicted the problems faced by a couple in domestic violence and effects of drunkenness.

Linda Irene the project counselor YES advised the people to avoid acts of drunkenness and domestic violence that lead to acquiring the deadly HIV AIDS. She told the people to guard against multiple partners and argued couples to observe love and faithfulness in homes. Linda also encouraged husbands to accompany their wives during the antenatal care services.

She told the residents of Rwiimi town council and other places that she is ready to offer them more services to improve on the people’s lives especially health services.

Abaho Willy the communications officer PLANE who this time acted as a doctor encouraged married couples to peaceful and harmonies and avoid acts of domestic violence that result to acquiring HIV AIDS and separation.

He asked the people to always listen to Bahemuka Drama skit on VOT that is meant to educate them on issues affecting them socially, spiritually, politically and economically.

The locals commended Bahemuka for educating them on domestic violence, disease prevention, Elimination of mother to child transmission, human rights, testing for HIV among others.

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