373 People Test For HIV /AIDS

As HIV /AIDS prevalence rate in Kabarole continues to cause an alarm mostly among the youth and married couples about 373 people from Busoro Sub County have tested for to know their status. They also received family planning and counselling services on the general services. This was during a medical camp held at Kaswa trading center ,Kaswa parish, Busoro sub county on Friday 8th August 2015 that was organized by Youth Encouragement Services (YES) with funding from Infectious Disease Institute (IDI) and partnered with Fort portal referral hospital and PLATFORM for the NEEDY (PLANE). Linda Irene the project counselor YES advised the people to observe proper communication in homes and behavioral change if we are to fight the HIV scourge in the district. Linda advised couples to embrace the campaign of husbands accompanying their wives during antenatal care services. Grace Kabonesa a resident was very much excited to receive the services and educative entertainment from Bahemuka Drama and said she learnt that single women should avoid the habit of being in love with other women husbands. Fred Kirungi a youth said he learnt that people should be balanced in giving property to their children and wives and not to take sides.

DSC_0145 Switiza Bitatule the LC1 Kaswa zone warned couples against cheating and men to avoid multiple partners that lead to the acquisition of the HIV AIDS and domestic violence in families. He asked men to avoid excessive drinking but take alcohol responsibly. Richard Nyakana the district councilor Busoro thanked Bahemuka drama for educating people on the bad habits like excessive drinking,violence in homes, couple cheating, couple testing together for HIV AIDS among other issues that may end one in dangerous situation. Nyakana who laso participated in testing for HIV said if people follow such educative drama and campaigns of HIV testing, HIV will be history in five years in Kabarole. Steven Ainganiza Director BAHEMUKA DRAMA&PLANE encouraged married couples to leave peaceful, harmonious and avoid acts of domestic violence that result to acquiring HIV AIDS and separation hence suffering of the children. He asked the people to always listen to Bahemuka Drama skit on VOT that is meant to educate them on issues affecting them socially, spiritually, politically and economically. PLANE in Bahemuka Drama, Educated the people on elimination of mother to child Transmission of HIV AIDS, and depicted the problems faced by a couple in domestic violence and effects of drunkenness. The locals commended Bahemuka for educating them on domestic violence, disease prevention, Elimination of mother to child transmission, human rights, testing for HIV among others.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Dillima

    It is very good information about some myths regarding the curing of both HIV and hepatitis C infection. It was somewhat useful for many including me. It is a must-read blog to explore the new info about HIV and hepatitis C infection curable medicines. Keep it posting these kinds of informative blogs in the future!

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