434 Fort Portal Town Dwellers Test For HIV In A Medical Camp

434 Residents of Fort Portal including motorcycle riders and market vendors operating in the town on Saturday 19th September 2015 tested for HIV AIDS at Vine Hospital in Kisenyi suburb of Fort Portal, Kabarole district.
This was during a medical outreach where they also received family planning and counseling services on the general services.
The medical camp was organized by Youth Encouragement Services (YES) with funding from Infectious Disease Institute (IDI) and partnered with Fort portal referral hospital and PLATFORM for the NEEDY (PLANE) that entertains and educates the people with BAHEMUKA DRAMA on Domestic Violence and Elimination of Mother To Child Transmission of HIV AIDS.
Madam Jolly Tumuhimbise medical worker with Infectious Disease Institute (I.D.I) Fort Portal referral hospital encouraged people to embrace the campaign of couple testing together, know together and disclose together so as to fight HIV AIDS.
Jolly told the people that this is intended to enable them understand their health status and if found positive start drugs immediately.
The Director PLATFORM for the NEEDY (PLANE) Mr.Steven Ainganiza asked couples to be faithful in their marriage and if tempted they should use condoms.
He advised husbands to always support their wives during antenatal care services and ensure they deliver in health facilities so as to produce babies free from HIV.
Ainganiza told the people the importance of HIV testing especially couples testing together and encouraged those found positive to adhere to taking the ARVs so as to leave longer and healthier.

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