45% Of Ugandan Children At Risk Of Child Labour, Help Create Awareness

By Raissa Batra 

The Ten Principles of United Nations Global Impact includes the Fifth Principle of “Businesses should uphold the effective abolition of child labour.” Child labour is a form of exploitation and Uganda has been ranked one of the lowest in regard to the situation. Child labour in Uganda has progressed modestly since 2021. Efforts have been made by the government to convict government officials involved in the promotion of child labour. The National Steering Committee on the Elimination of Child Labor was also re-established in Uganda. A comprehensive National Action Plan to Combat Child Labor has been approved by the government authorities. However, much work is still left to be done.

Child labour is a violation of human rights and often includes sexual exploitation which often ties into human trafficking. In Uganda alone, over 2 million children are involved in exploitative labour practices. Business and Human Rights Resource Centre states alarming statistics, “The Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) claims 45% of children from households living below the poverty line are forced out of school to work and supplement their parents’ incomes, with children aged between 5 and 17 years the worst at risk.” A number of the worst forms of child labour involve enslavement, separation from families,  exposure to serious dangers, and being left on the streets to fend for themselves.

Children in Uganda are affected by child labour in multiple ways. These children who are abducted from disadvantaged backgrounds are not protected. Their employers are in total control of them, doing everything in their power to make them invisible. These children work under inhumane conditions, violating their fundamental rights and principles. They also deprive their children of the right to a regular education system and deprive them of future career opportunities. In some cases, particularly in cases of sexual exploitation such as prostitution and child pornography, child labour can endanger the dignity of children.

One way this situation can be prevented is through help packages for underprivileged families, especially from the government. Another is a simple yet effective way to prevent child labour instances from increasing: raising awareness through national or local campaigns and fundraisers. That will help in gathering support to actually do something about the issue of child labour. Child labour is dehumanizing and much change will not be possible until people realize the implications of being a child labourer.



Administrator2. “HOW CHILD LABOR AFFECTS CHILDREN in UGANDA.” Uganda Charity Organization – Help a Child in Uganda, 23 Sept. 2019,

loveugandafoundation.org/how-child-labor-affects-children-in-uganda/#:~:text=These%20children%20work%20in%20degrading. Accessed 1 Nov. 2022.

International Labour Organization. “What Is Child Labour (IPEC).” Ilo.org, 2022, www.ilo.org/ipec/facts/lang–en/index.htm

“Principle 5 | UN Global Compact.” Unglobalcompact.org, 23 Sept. 2019, www.unglobalcompact.org/what-is-gc/mission/principles/principle-5.

“Uganda: More than 2 Million Children Engaged in Exploitative Labour Practices Including in Agribusiness & Retail Sectors, Says Columnist – Business & Human Rights Resource Centre.”



“Uganda’s National Plan of Action on Child Labour Will Strengthen Country’s Prevention and Protection of Children at Risk and Working Children Mechanisms.” Www.ilo.org, 1 June 2021,

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