Prioritize Girl Child Education – RDC Cautions Parents Kabarole

Kabarole District Deputy RDC Mrs Monday Rose Byabasaija has strongly
warned parents to prioritize on the education of the Girl Child if
they are to realize development in homes.

She said, “It’s disappointing for parents to marry off your daughters
at a tender age. This practice affects the girl’s health and she is
psychologically tortured. Many girls have dropped out of school
because of defilement and early pregnancies but what irritates me is
you conceal the information about the suspects,”
She was speaking at the commemoration of the International Women’s day
for Kabarole district held at Nyabweya primary school in Kasenda Sub
County on Sunday 8th March 2015.

Sub counties of Kasenda, Katebwa,Hakibaale ,Karangura and Kabonera in
Kabarole district have a record of high school dropout especially
among girls as a result of forced early marriages, defilement and
child labour.
Mrs Byabasaija advised both men and women to prioritize the education
of the girl child and sharing of ideas as a family in fighting the
deadly HIV AIDS.
Kabarole district according to the recent statistics released by the
District health officer Dr.Richard Obet, the HIV prevalence rate now
stands at 11.9percent higher than the national rate of 7.3%.
District chairman Mr.Rwabuhinga Richard however noted that government
has put in place some laws against the abuse of girl child and women
citing the law of defilement and rape.
District Woman MP Hon.Victoria Businge Rusoke observed that the health
sector in the country is still facing challenges of inadequate funding
thus making it difficult to have the required equipment to test and
treat cervical cancer and breast cancer that are a big problem to
woman today.
The woman MP said, “Woman country over are still battling with cancer
of the breast and cervical cancer .This is because most health
facilities have not machines to test and screen cancer and yet it
remains number one killer disease among woman”.
Hon.Rusoke asked NGOs operating in the district to intensify their
campaign against early marriages, forced marriages and encourage women
to test for cervical cancer.

Rwabuhinga Richard the district chairman Kabarole

Victoria Businge Rusoke the woman MP Kabarole

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