Schools in Fort Portal Struggle to Operate over Delayed Release of Capitation Grant



Government-aided schools in Fort Portal Tourism City are struggling to operate due to the delayed release of capitation grant.

Capitation grant is computed based on the school’s enrollment. The government provides 10,000 shillings for each pupil under the Universal Primary Education -UPE. Those under Universal Secondary Education are allocated 41,000 Shillings and 85,000 shillings for O’ and A ‘level respectively.

According to the capitation grants expenditure guidelines, 50 percent of the grant is supposed to be used on instructional materials, 30 percent on co-curricular activities, 15 percent spent on school management, maintenance, payment for utilities such as water and electricity whereas 5 percent on school administration. The funds are released every quarter in any given financial year.   However, school heads in Fort Portal say they have taken a whole quarter without getting the money, which has affected their operations.

At Kyebambe Model Primary School, the headteacher, Olive Ruhweza, said due to the delayed release of the grant, they are now struggling to buy scholastic materials and have unpaid water and electricity bills.

The headteacher Mpanga Secondary School George Ruyonga revealed that they have been using part of the money to pay teachers who are not on the government payroll.  He says the teachers, who have been helping the school to teach a total of 422 candidates in S.4 and S.6, have gone months without any salary.

Ruyonga also says they struggled to get on credit laboratory equipment and chemicals for the S.4 candidates who started their exams on Monday.

The Fort Portal Tourism City Clerk, Innocent Ahimbisibwe, says they are aware of the challenge schools will soon receive the money on their accounts.

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