PLANE Donates Scholastic Materials To Vulnerable Children

PLATFORM for the NEEDY (PLANE) has bequeathed scholastic materials to the vulnerable children of Central division, Fort Portal City. The donation comes as children prepare to return to school after two years of closure over the COVID-19 pandemic.

More than 60 needy children were selected from Bukwali ward, Futibutakwangwa and Isekahungu, Kacwamba Central division. The beneficiaries received dozens of books, pens, pencils and soap as a relief to the parents, who were affected by the pandemic.

Kembabazi Evelyn, a parent from Bukwali, said COVID-19 affected their income, and she was stuck wondering where she was going to get educational materials and fees for her children. She commended PLATFORM for the NEEDY for responding to the plight of the needy communities, especially during the difficult times.

Kasoro Vincent Abwooli, also from Bukwali, said the donation is a relief because they were worried about how they would meet the needs of the children as they return to school.

Alice Kansiime of Futibutangwa said they have many needy children that irresponsible men have abandoned, and are unable to provide them with necessities, which includes education. She commended PLANE for responding to their needs and said the donation is timely since they were struggling to find ways of sending children to school. She asked PLANE to find empowerment projects for single mothers

PLANE project officer Kajumba Gorretti said, “We understand COVID-19 affected many people and the majority lost their businesses. As PLANE, we’ve come to support the orphans and needy children so that they can access education when schools reopen.”

She asked parents to support the children who got pregnant during the COVID-19 lockdown, so that their futures would be brighter.

“COVID-19 affected many people and organizations, but since we are passionate about the education of children and their future, we had to respond to their needs and provide something to support their education,” Steven Waddell Ainganiza, the founder and executive director of PLANE, said.

“In our program, we have more than 200 needy children from the districts of Kabarole, Bunyangabu and Fort Portal City, but because of COVID, we’ve been unable to provide them with scholastic materials. COVID had a devastating effect on people’s income,” he said.

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