Husbands Asked To Accompany Wives For Antenatal Services

Husbands are encouraged to embrace the campaign of husbands accompanying thie pregnant wives during the antenatal care services.

Jolly Tumuhimbise counselling the people who had come for HIV testing
Jolly Tumuhimbise counselling the people who had come for HIV testing

Madam Jolly Tumuhimbise medical worker with Infectious Disease Institute (I.D.I) at Fort Portal referral hospital said that helps mothers to deliver well babies that are free from HIV AIDS.

She also encouraged men to embrace the campaign of testing for HIV AIDS together with their wives when the services are brought nearer to them

Madam Tumuhimbise said that after testing, those found positive should take the drugs and adhere to them as prescribed by the health workers.

This was during a medical camp organized by Youth Encouragement Services YES with funding from Infectious Disease Institute (IDI) and partnered with Fort portal referral hospital and PLATFORM for the NEEDY (PLANE) that entertains the people with BAHEMUKA DRAMA on Domestic Violence and Elimination of Mother To Child Transmission of HIV AIDS.

153 people tested for HIV, cervical cancer and received family planning services during a medical camp held St.Francis Xvier health center in Nyabweya parish, Kasenda Sub County on Tuesday 18th August 2015.

After the drama, people thanked BAHEMU DRAMA for containing entraining and educative message. They said they learnt to be faithful to the partners, staying peacefully and drug adherence.


Steven Ainganiza Director PLATFORM for the NEEDY (PLANE) told the people that partners testing together helps them to know their HIV status and leaving a healthy life.

He advised the youth to avoid bare sex but have it protected with condoms if they are to escape the deadly HIV AIDS.

Kabarole district has the highest prevalence rate of 11.3perecent after Rakai district compared to the National rate of 7.3 percent.

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