Joel Rutesengereza

I’m Joel Rutesengereza aged 17 and a senior 4 student at Mpanga Senior Secondary School. I was born to Grace Kajumba a poor single mother of four in Nyakagongo village, East Division, Fort Portal City.

Had it not been PLATFORM for the NEEDY my life would be miserable. I would not be in school.

I recall when I scored 9 aggregates in Primary Seven (P.7) and I was admitted at Nyakasura School in S.1. However, I didn’t finish the first term; I was sent away because of failure to pay school fees. My mother struggled at get for me a place at Fort Portal secondary day school but the situation was not different. I was sent away and had not even seen any report card to know my performance. The administrators withheld them.

My life and hope were restored when we approached PLATFORM for the NEEDY office in Boma to seek for assistance. We learnt about them when we tuned on Family Clinic Radio Program on VOT FM. They enrolled me on their Orphans Education Program and I was taken to Covenant Bethel Secondary School Entebbe Wakiso district in boarding section. But unfortunately, when they ran short of funds, they changed the school and brought me to Mpanga Secondary School in Fort Portal town where am studying now in S.4. My performance is Excellent. I want to be  a Doctor after my senior Six. I thank the Almighty God and pray that He helps me succeed in my studies. I pray to God that he intervenes in PLANE’s programs. PLANE buys me clothes, uniforms, shoes, books, pens, lunch and pays for my tuition. Am now a jolly boy. I will never forget it!!

Grace Kajumba Joel’s Mother: Tel: +256789265483

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