Fury as 2 Pregnant Mothers Die At Fort Portal Hospital

Kabarole police are investigating circumstances under which two pregnant mothers died at Fort Portal regional hospital amid reports of health workers’ negligence.

The deceased were identified as Lucia Busingye, 23, and Jacqueline Tumwekwase, 33, all residents of Rwabimba, Kitule in Hakibale sub-county, Kabarole district.

They were referred to the regional hospital from Kibasi Health Centre III in Hakibale Sub-County, Kabarole district on Wednesday in critical conditions.

Busingye’s widower, Francis Musinguzi said the victims were not attended to by the midwives upon reaching the facility, resulting into their death.

It is reported that the medical facility’s mortuary attendant, David Ndikumaani cut the womb of both mothers before extracting two dead bodies of babies.

Ndikumaani reportedly sought Shs 140,000 from each of the deceased’s parents before handing over the dead bodies which the bereaved families said was unaffordable.

On learning about the sad development, the area (Burahya County) MP Steven Kagwera and LC III Chairman Hakibale sub-county, Edson Businge, rushed to the hospital to secure release of the dead bodies.

The mortuary attendant was arrested and detained at Fort Portal police for soliciting a bribe from patients before being released a few hours later amid protests from locals.

The OC CIID Fort Portal Police Station, Joshua Tusingwire said investigations into acts of negligence are underway.

Kabarole district Chairperson Richard Rwabuhinga said his office has been receiving complaints from Buhinga that “patients pay a lot of money to medics before being treated.”

The medical superintendent of the facility was not readily available for a comment.


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