Gender Based Violence Programme
The Uganda Demographic survey (UDHS) 2011 revealed that 56% of women had experienced physical violence from age 15-49 years. Compared to 9% of men, 28% of women had experienced sexual violence. 60% of married women report physical violence by their current spouse. 16% of pregnant women who experienced violence require intervention based on the multi-sectoral approach of prevention and response to support and ensure survivors have access to services from fundamental health, psychosocial security, and legal justice systems.
PLANE’S Gender-Based Violence programme aims to promote the reduction of the increase of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (especially forced marriage of young girls and women), provide sexual reproductive health services, and strengthen livelihood, communication, and advocacy skills.
The people, mostly the young girls and women, will gain spiritual, social, political, and economic relevance and resist Sexual Gender-Based Violence, engage in policy advocacy, and hold policymakers accountable.
Gender-Based Violence (GBV) refers to any act that results or is likely to result in physical, sexual, psychological harm or suffering, including threats of such acts or coercion or arbitrary deprivations of liberty in public and private.
GBV is a severe human right, health, and social-economic concern in Uganda. It means any harm to an individual or a group (women or men) because of their socially perceived roles, responsibilities, and status.
GBV affects everybody in our communities, but generally, women and girls are more affected than men and boys due to unequal power relations between men and women.
GBV includes acts like defilement, rape, battering, female genital mutilation cutting (FGMC), sexual harassment, forced marriages, widow inheritance, sexual exploitation, emotional torture, drug abuse, among others.
The prevalence of GBV cases in Uganda is too high and needs urgent intervention by all stakeholders and the government.
Various services for the survivors of GBV require guidance to avoid delays in service provision.
Some of our Gender-Based Violence (GBV) programme events:
Community dialogue on GBV prevention. PLANE’s drama on the impact of GBV. Training youth on the effects of GBV.
GBV victims in need:
PLANE’s outreach drama performance on GBV. A play organized by PLANE depicting a good Christine is a victim of domestic violence.
example of a husband apologizing to his wife.