How Malaria Affects Mothers, Children

Malaria Impact in Uganda

Malaria Impact in Uganda

By Raissa Bantra, Canada

Mother and baby affected by malaria in Uganda

Malaria, a disease transmitted by mosquitoes carrying parasites, poses a significant threat in Uganda. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) World Malaria Report 2020, Uganda accounts for about 4% of global malaria cases, with over 10 million confirmed cases annually and thousands of deaths.

The disease disproportionately affects vulnerable groups, especially children under five and pregnant women.

Malaria not only impacts health but also exacerbates economic and educational challenges in Uganda. The strain on the healthcare system leads to increased hospitalizations and clinic visits, diverting resources and affecting workforce productivity.

Economically, malaria costs Uganda approximately $1.3 billion annually, pushing affected families deeper into poverty due to increased medical expenses.

Educationally, malaria-related absenteeism can contribute to up to 50% of school absenteeism, perpetuating educational disparities and hindering socio-economic progress.

Efforts to combat malaria in Uganda involve collaborative initiatives between the government, international organizations, and the global community. By focusing on prevention, increased healthcare funding, and community engagement, Uganda aims to mitigate the impact of malaria and build a healthier future.


  • World Health Organization. “World Malaria Report 2020.” Geneva: WHO, 2020.
  • Ministry of Health – Uganda. “The Social and Economic Impact of Malaria in Uganda.” Ministry of Health, Uganda, 2014.
  • President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI). U.S. Agency for International Development.
  • The Global Fund.

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