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How To Raise Children In Godly Way

A Child is a precious gift from God resulting from the relationship of man and woman.

Yet too often most children find themselves in a harsh home or school environment of neglect, or even abuse within their own homes/schools.

As they struggle to learn and grow up, they are constantly barraged with worldly influences that conflict with God’s Word.  In Africa, the strongest influence on our children can be our own character.  The manner in which we talk to and interact with the, the treatment and response towards their needs, matters a lot.

Modeling godly behavior and a love for the Lord are vital while providing direction, boundaries, correction, love and encouragement to our children.

This article helps us to learn how to raise godly children.  

Parents with Power:

Godly parent wishes to make everyone happy and rise a child that loves the others and growths responsibly.

However, most parents are often seen  watching  their children make bad decisions and feel powerless to do anything about it. Unfortunately, many just give in and put a “band-aid” on a situation by giving money instead of time, ignoring a situation instead of disciplining, or trying to be their child’s friend instead of their parent. The best way to love your child is to care enough to correct and guide them when they need it you or behave badly.

Modeling Behavior for Children:

As a parent, take the bible as a tool for moral inserting . How seriously do you take the Bible? When you read a verse, do you discuss it with your children and do you move with them to church? If you read something about parent-child relations in the Bible that contradicts something you read in another book, which teaching do you accept as truth? Bible teaching helps children grow holy and righteousness.

Honoring Parents:

Parents have the responsibility of nurturing the children in Godly manner. Whatever appearance or conduct before the public is a reflection of the parents. Do you and your partner agree on how to raise your children? If not, you may think you are experiencing a marriage problem because you can’t get together on this important issue. Some partners say they don’t have time, but when a child is caught in the wrong, time and money will be prioritized.

This can feel like a pretty hopeless situation. Often times your children have learnt how to pit you against one another. By the time they get into their teens, those kids will be able to do what they please, because they will have learnt how to manage you instead of you managing them.
What a shame?

I’m Not Having Fun Yet!

Playing and making jokes with a child improves relationship and love between the child and parent. How often do you play with your child? Do you take a walk with your child and share a smile? Someone once said to me, “Don’t make parenting so difficult. Just relax and have fun! You don’t have to know everything in order to be a good parent.”

Being a parent starts out as a dream. Doting, expectant fathers and their pregnant wives dream about the sweet infant all cozy in pink or blue blankets with cute outfits and fun toys. With smiles in their eyes, they turn to each other and vow, “We’re going to be the best parents ever!”

Then the baby arrives. Suddenly the parents discover “the dream” yells. And smells. And spits.

Discipline with Love and Conviction:

God’s Word instructs us to love one another (1 Peter 1:22). Nearly every parent wants to give his or her children tender, loving, and sacrificial care that flows out of a heart of love.  But even the most dedicated mother or father cannot do this unless God is the source of that love. This is because God is love, and as we walk in His love, it will flow to our children through us.

God does not leave us without guidance. In fact, the biblical standard for love is described in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. It has fifteen components: suffers long, is kind, does not envy, does not parade itself, is not puffed up, does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil, does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth, always bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Setting Limits:

In all athletic team competitions, the home and visiting teams and their corresponding fans all go by the same rules and boundaries. The rules are published in a book and knowledge of the rules is essential to understanding and playing the game. Making sure the players stay within the limits established by the rule book is the job of the officials. If a player breaks a rule, the referee penalizes the entire team. The player and his team must accept the consequences. The referee’s interpretation of the game is final.

The phrase football game tells us many things. The very name of the game determines the shape of the ball, the dimensions of the playing field, the rules of the game, and the type of clothes the players and officials wear.

The word family also tells us many things. Determined limits make a family unique. As a parent, set rules and regulations that guide and control the family members. If not, the children will do whatever they want and at any time they wish too. This, in the long run will affect the child’s growth and envelopment. You will have no control.

The Truth about Consequences:

We do our children a great favor if we help them understand there are consequences for their actions … good and bad. Distraught parents often come to me because their children are suffering the consequences of not being adequately supervised. Of course, teenagers do not want to be supervised, but oftentimes dire consequences will be the result of parents adhering to their children’s complaints and demands for more personal freedom in areas where they are unable to cope with temptation. Setting consequences for a child’s choices and then making them happen is a crucial part of teaching children. They must learn the principles expressed in Galatians 6:7: “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”

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