Kabarole District Commemorates World Breastfeeding Month

The Participants in group discussion on how to improve breastfeeding in institutions

Kabarole District Commemorates World Breastfeeding Month

District Local Government, in collaboration with KRC, Care Uganda, CASCADE, Fort Portal City, PLANE Uganda, and other stakeholders, are actively commemorating World Breastfeeding Month this August.

Its running under the theme: “Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for all”.

This initiative includes the observation of International Breastfeeding Week, which takes place during the first week of August. It aims to raise awareness about the critical role breastfeeding plays in the health and development of both babies and mothers.
During the Breastfeeding Advocacy Conference held at ATACO Country Resort on Tuesday 27th August, Mr. Kisembo Brian, Chairperson of the Kabarole District Nutrition Coordination, emphasized the vital importance of breastfeeding, advocating that mothers should breastfeed their infants 8-12 times daily.

He highlighted that breast milk is rich in all the essential nutrients required for a baby’s healthy growth and serves as a natural shield against numerous diseases.

This event was organized in response to the alarming stunting rate in the region, which currently stands at 38.7%.

  • Kisembo raised concerns over the paradox that, despite Kabarole being a recognized food basket, malnutrition remains prevalent among children in the region. Kemigabo Catherine, Senior Health Educator for Kabarole, addressed the need for workplaces to establish safe breastfeeding corners. She emphasized the significance of breastfeeding in strengthening the bond between mothers and their babies, a critical aspect of early childhood development.The coalition of partners remains committed to enhancing public awareness about the benefits of breastfeeding and encouraging the adoption of best practices to reduce malnutrition and improve the well-being of both mothers and children in the region.
  • Key Messages:

    Breastfeeding is essential for the health of both babies and mothers.
    Mothers should breastfeed their infants 8-12 times a day to ensure optimal nutrition.
    Breast milk contains all the necessary nutrients for a baby’s growth and serves as a defense against diseases.
    Safe breastfeeding corners should be made available in workplaces to support working mothers.
    Breastfeeding promotes emotional bonding between mothers and babies.
  • Domestic Violence affects breastfeeding because it causes depression and stigma.
    A Breastfeeding Mother who testified how she enjoys breastfeeding.


    Kabarole District Local Government
    Care Uganda
    Fort Portal City
    PLANE Uganda-PLATFORM for the NEEDY
    Life FM
    VOT FM
    Fort TV
    Other stakeholders


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