Mid-Western:2 Out 100 Couples Know Their HIV Status

Fort Portal
Two out of 100 couples in the 14 districts of Mid-Western Uganda know their HIV AIDS status, according to the statistics released by the Uganda AIDS Commission and Infectious Disease Institute (IDI). Among the districts in Mid-Western Uganda include Bulisa,Hoima, Kibaale, Masindi,Kyenjojo, Kyegegwa, Kabarole,Kasese,Bundibugyo,Ntoroko.
However in Kamwenge district, the percentage at which husbands are accompanying their wives for antenatal services stands at 9% putting it in the lead in the region. This was attributed to the poor attitude of men involvement in accompanying their wives during the Antenatal care.
According to the report, men in this region do not accompany their wives during the antenatal care visits and this exposes them to stigma after testing HIV positive. The stigma among the pregnant mothers has also contributed a lot to the high percent of 6.6 babies born with HIV.
It also indicated that the number of women attending the first antenatal visit was overwhelming but to the disappointment they later abandon the health facilities and deliver with the help of Traditional birth Attendants who do not know how to prevent mother to child transmission. Rhitah Mwagale the Communications for Health Communities manager Communication for health Communities (CHC)  funded by USAID revealed that they have come up with a project called Elimination of Mother To Child Transmission (EMTCT) Campaign that will be launched by the first lady on 23rd March in Hoima Western Uganda. She was speaking during regional media awareness training on the campaign at Cornerstone conference hall in Fort Portal town. Madam Mwagale said, “The interventions of the campaign dubbed “Having an HIV free baby” and it’s running under theme: Test, Know, Disclose

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