PLANE Ambassadors Are “Angels Fulfilling God’s Mission” Says Dr. Kabura

Rev. Sarah Kakyo Amooti at the Community Education Project.

By Ainganiza Wadell Steven

Dr. Fr. Pascal Kabura Adyeeri has described PLATFORM for the NEEDY (PLANE) volunteers as “Angels sent by God” to fulfill his mission to serve and support his people.

Dr. Fr. Kabura, the director Bishop Magambo Counselor Institute Virika, Fort Portal diocese and Board member of PLANE, commended PLANE Global Ambassadors and volunteers for advocating for vulnerable communities and supporting children.

He said Uganda needs volunteers to be recruited in community development focused organizations like PLANE to serve needy communities, but disappointingly, some Ugandans lack the spirit of volunteerism. This is why Global volunteers and ambassadors are a must for PLANE. 

Dr. Kabura was presiding over the official handover of scholastic materials and fees to children sponsored by PLATFORM for the NEEDY under the project dubbed “Community Education Project” at St.Peter & Paul’s Primary school in Fort Portal on Friday 19th August 2022.

He cautioned parents to plan for the education of children and their health early enough to avoid being stressed at the last hour, something he says has led to many children dropping out of school after being chased over fees.

Dr. Kabura challenged children to work hard, focus on their education, and exhibit positive thinking so as to be successful in future.

Rev. Sarah Kakyo Amooti, in charge of Health Rwenzori diocese, asked the children to thank God for the support offered to them by the good Samaritans but challenged them to utilize this golden opportunity to study hard and said parents should be supportive.

Waddell Steven, the Founder & Executive Director of PLANE, appreciated the amazing work the ambassadors and volunteers are doing in transforming the lives of communities through giving their time and funds.

Parents and over 50 children who benefited from scholastic materials and fees were happy to receive support during these hard times when the country is experiencing inflation, saying the support was timely as children prepare to return to school in two weeks.  

Murungi John, a parent from Kiguma, said he was wondering where to get the money for his children as schools open for third term and appreciated Peato and his mom Anna, two of PLANE’s Global Volunteers, for the support given to them.

Rugumayo Beatrice, another parent from Nyakasanja in North division, Fort Portal city, said since her husband died years ago, she has been suffering with and failing to get fees. She thanked PLANE and the volunteers for the support extended to them that restored hope in their family.

Joel Rutesengereza, a High school student at Mpanga secondary school who received $69 for fees and scholastic items, said had it not been for PLANE; he would be out of school. Joel, who was supported by PLANE starting five years back when he had dropped out of school, appreciates the love and support PLANE and volunteers that enable him to study sciences, and he dreams of becoming a medical doctor.


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