Poverty Fueling Rwenzori Tribal Conflicts

Cultural leaders in the Rwenzori region have been tasked to focus on wealth creation since poverty is the main cause of tribal conflicts in these kingdoms, Chimp Corps report.

Mr Isaac Kawooya, the Resident District Commissioner Bushenyi, asked cultural leaders in the region to play the role of advocating for wealth creation and increased household income at family level if they are to overcome tribal conflicts.

“As long as this is not done, many redundant people will continue being misled by self-seeking politicians to engage in violence and conflict related activities,” said Kawooya.

He was on Friday presiding over at the closure of a two-day workshop on Violence Prevention and Peace Promotion held at Crane Resort Hotel in Ishaka, Bushenyi district.

The workshop attended by Prime Ministers and Ministers from Tooro Kingdom, Obudingiya Bwa Bwamba and Obusinga bwa Rwenzururu was organized by Rwenzori Forum for Peace and Justice (RFPJ) in collaboration with International Alert.

It follows the July 5th 2014 attack on government institution in the districts of Kasese, Ntoroko and Bundibugyo.

The attacks led by suspected Rwenzururu youth known as Esyemango Za Rwenzururu left over 90 people dead, scores displaced and others imprisoned.

Wilson Mubulya, the Prime Minister Obudingiya  Bwabamba in Bundibugyo, strongly warned his fellow leaders against mixing culture and politics for their selfish gain.

Hon. Steven Kaliba, the Primer Tooro Kingdom, urged government to address economic challenges face by the youth.

“The youth are key players in conflicts and if neglected by government, then they are creating more problems for this country. The youth can be used by politicians and enemies of government,” he cautioned.

Enoch Muhindo, the Premier Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu in Kasese, stressed the need for kingdom leaders to put more effort in sensitizing the youth on maintaining peace in the three Kingdoms.

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