Residents: Family Clinic Radio Program Transforming Communities

Family Clinic and Bahemuka Drama Impact

Bahemuka Drama Group at Robert’s Home in Mbuzi
Bahemuka Drama Group at Robert’s Home in Mbuzi

Residents: Family Clinic and Bahemuka Drama Transformation

The Family Clinic radio program and Bahemuka Drama are changing families and communities in the Rwenzori region. Residents of Buteebe, North Division, Fort Portal Tourism City have noticed this impact.

Program Schedules

The Family Clinic Radio Program airs every Monday from 10:00 pm to 1:00 am. It is hosted by Mr. Waddell Steven Ainganiza on VOT. Bahemuka Drama airs from Monday to Friday from 6:10 am to 6:30 am and is moderated by Kanguma Robert.

Community Feedback

Natulinda Maureen Nalongo Omusambu Kati of Mbuzi, Buteebe ward North Division, says the Family Clinic radio program and Bahemuka Drama on VOT 101 FM have changed the mindset of the people. These programs have transformed their lives socially, spiritually, and economically. She said, “I appreciated PLATFORM for the NEEDY (PLANE) in partnership with Voice of Tooro FM radio for initiating Family Clinic and Bahemuka Drama. Many people who were involved in family conflicts have resolved their issues because of these educational programs”.

Maureen Nalongo and her Triplets Commends Family Clinic For Transforming People’s Lives
Maureen Nalongo and her Triplets Commend Family Clinic For Transforming People’s Lives

Pastor’s Perspective

Pastor Lucky of Bethsaida Pentecostal Church Mbuzi notes that Bahemuka Drama is very educational. He said, “The drama tackles our daily life experiences. I commend Bahemuka Drama members for the amazing episodes and skits that are educational. I wish to join it”.

Pastor Lucky Says Bahemuka Drama Is Educative
Pastor Lucky Says Bahemuka Drama Is Educational
Bahemuka Drama Members Enjoy Lunch At Robert’s Home In Mbuzi
Bahemuka Drama Members Enjoy Lunch At Robert’s Home In Mbuzi

Outreach Program

This was on Sunday during the visit of Bahemuka members to the family of Mr. Robert Basigara of Mbuzi. This visit was part of their outreach program to assess the impact of the drama in the communities where members hail from. Basigara’s wife appreciated the work done by Bahemuka and wished to join.

Program Goals

Mr. Waddell Steven Ainganiza, the Director of Bahemuka Drama and Family Clinic Program, revealed that these programs were started to address sexual and gender-based violence, children and women’s rights, health, social, legal, family, and other community-related issues. These issues affect families and communities in the Rwenzori region. According to Waddell, the goal of these programs is to help families and communities access critical information and find local solutions to their problems. Waddell invited the youth willing to join and be part of the Bahemuka community to contact him and transform societies together.

For more details, visit our Programs page and learn more about our initiatives.

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