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Sexual Violence Cases Against Children Worry Kabarole Leaders

Sexual violence against children has been reported on the increase in Kabarole district with most girls being sexually abused by their relatives and cases not reported to the authorities.

Joselyne Karungi the Project PLATFORM for the NEEDY said their  organization carried out a survey during the COVID 19 pandemic lock down and found that some girls have been defiled, raped and forced into early marriage.

She highlighted on the most affected sub counties as Hakibaale, Karangura , Karambi, Bukuuku and Kicwamba.

She said, “We found many cases of assault, domestic violence witnessed by children, stress and depression among parents, poverty among others challenging issues”.

Karungi said, following the rampant cases of domestic violence and Violence against Children, the organization will strengthen their outreach programs in schools and communities to preach the gospel of ending violence against children and having a peaceful home.

 She said through their Family Clinic radio program on Voice of Tooro they will address psychosocial challenges in families, skill the children with hands on skills and empowers them to fight the vice.

This was during a leaders meeting for Mugusu town council and Sub County.

 Madam Jamie Kakunguru the Probation officer Kabarole disclosed that from March to June 2020, her office received 202 domestic violence cases, 35 child neglect, 10 child abandoning, and child labor among others.

She asked the leaders to team up with the NGOs in sensitizing the people of the effect of domestic violence on the child’s growth.

Steven Waddell the Executive Director PLANE revealed that the violence and protests being witnessed in the country today are a result of the domestic violence and torure exposed to our children when they were young.

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